De-Stressing with my Spandex Brief

De-Stressing with my Spandex Brief

Whenever I put on my spandex brief swimwear I feel like all the stress in my life has started melting away. Everything that might be going wrong in my life gets put on hold and I am able to have more fun, too. I can’t really explain the amount of satisfaction that I get from wearing something like this, but it is well worth the effort in finding the right briefs to wear. Just remember that there are going to be thousands of different designs available for you to try. It might seem a bit too much for some guys, but looking through them will definitely help you figure out which ones will work for you.

It took me almost two weeks of searching for men’s spandex brief swimwear designs before I was able to find one that I really liked. Even though it only took me a couple of days to get it in the mail, the waiting was the worst part. I wanted to wear my spandex item so badly that waiting was not something I loved. I found myself waking up two hours early every day and waiting for the mail to arrive in the hopes that I would have my briefs that day. Anticipation is probably the worst thing I have ever had to go through, but it was well worth the wait.


Once my spandex brief items finally arrived, I found myself in heaven. Sliding them on for the first time was like a strange adrenaline rush for me. I was so excited I almost got a full on erection before pulling my briefs up over my cock. That is something that I have never experienced in the past, but do now to some extent with every new brief I purchase. This has driven my partner a bit crazy but hasn’t stopped them from buying new briefs for me on a regular basis now.