Launching your Spandex Brief to the Public


If you have ever thought about wearing a men’s spandex brief out in public, there are a few things that you might want to keep in mind. The first and, probably most important, thing is your body hair. A lot of guys in the world don’t consider the backlash of having body hair while wearing something of this nature. I’m not saying you should shave your entire body but you should at least attempt to keep some of it trimmed neatly. Having unruly hair sticking out of your spandex suit is not the most flattering thing in the world for others to see after all.

Another thing you will want to keep an eye on is your weight. Nothing is worse than wearing a spandex brief and having body flab hanging over it in odd angles. This doesn’t mean that you should hit the gym every day for eight hours, but getting a small work out in on a regular basis will go a long way to making you look sexy in that spandex, which is the most important thing for you. Looking sexy in spandex will definitely give you an advantage over all those other guys on the beach wearing regular swimwear.


No matter what style of spandex brief you decide on, taking a few minutes every day to make yourself look as sexy as possible will be worth the effort. You don’t have to go overboard with it if you don’t want to, but if you are looking for as much attention as possible; it will help. Even if you don’t pay any attention to these little tips, make sure that you are having fun and nothing else will matter. If people see you enjoying your spandex regardless of what you look like in them, then you will be accepted by the general public. There might be a few naysayers out there but, overall, people will accept that you like spandex. You may even cause them to look at spandex in a more favorable light.