The Amazing Spandex Brief

The Amazing Spandex Brief

The new men’s spandex brief designs in swimwear are absolutely amazing in my opinion. I have never seen anything so sexy in my entire life. Well, nothing that could be worn on a guy besides me. I love the fact that they are nice and tight yet reveal just enough to keep the mind wandering. They don’t show off so much that people already know everything about you before you get within ten feet of them. Swimwear that does that is fun to wear, but not great at breaking the ice or starting a conversation with someone you would like to take home later that night.

The spandex brief designs that I enjoy wearing to the beach are a bit different from the ones I enjoy wearing at home, too. The ones at home have a sexier aspect to them than the ones I take to the beach. I could wear some sexy designs on the beach, but I want there to be some kind of surprise when I get home with someone. They are also a bit more out there as far as the basic design goes by showing off things that my beach wear simply can’t allow to be shown.

It really is amazing that we can wear spandex brief designs to the beach these days. I remember when you had to be extra careful about the swimwear you had on in public. But it seems like those rules are starting to slip into nothingness as more people are willing to allow sexier items to be worn. I can’t wait until I am able to wear the briefs that have the crotch taken out and a chastity cage replaces it. It is even see through so that you can see how my cock fits snuggly inside it. I think that would be my favorite brief design for the beach ever if I could wear it out in public.

